December 29, 2010
The Boston Police Department reports arresting a West Newbury man who allegedly tried to kick his way into a Pleasant Street house last night.
Police say that when officers arrived at 18 Pleasant St. around 11 p.m. Tuesday to investigate a call about a breaking-and-entering attempt, they found a guy running away, with just one boot on. Police stopped the man - just in time for a resident of the house to throw down a boot, which police say fit the "heavily inebriated" man perfectly.
Police describe what happened when the resident heard somebody begin to kick his rear door:
"According to the victim, the suspect, as he continued to kick the door, kept saying, 'I'm coming to get you, Doug!!!' Apparently, unbeknownst to the suspect, the victim's name was not Doug and no one by that name lived in the apartment.
"According to the victim, the suspect kicked a hole in his door. The victim says when he saw the suspect's right foot come through the door, he grabbed the suspect's foot and, in doing so, was able to pull the suspect's right boot off."
Matthew Frye, 32, of West Newbury, was charged with breaking and entering in the nighttime.