September 6, 2013
There are 18 days until the Sept. 24 mayoral preliminary. City Councillor Rob Consalvo plans to release a “plan to keep our kids safe in school” at 10:30 a.m. at the Conley School in Roslindale. Later, he heads to meet seniors at the Dudley Elderly Housing Development in Roxbury and Mount Pleasant Home in JP, before door knocking in West Roxbury. City Councillor At-Large Felix Arroyo bike rides in Allston, visits Mattapan and Hyde Park seniors at Foley Apartments and Riley House, discusses early education with “Thrive in Five,” and attends a jobs forum at the Reggie Lewis Track Center in Roxbury. City Councillor Michael Ross also plans to attend the jobs forum, as well as "Jazz in the Square" in Roslindale.
-- A Marty Walsh fundraiser with the Dropkick Murphys drew over 800 people to Florian Hall on Thursday night. Walsh said the campaign shut down ticket sales two days ago because of the high number of people who bought tickets. Spotted in the crowd: Greater Boston Labor Council’s Rich Rogers, state Reps. Eugene O’Flaherty of Chelsea and Jim Cantwell of Marshfield, City Councillor Frank Baker and former state Sen. Jack Hart and former state Rep. Brian Wallace.
-- Campaign burn rates, in a handy chart, courtesy of Commonwealth’s Paul McMorrow.
-- Former state Rep. Charlotte Golar Richie’s campaign is distancing itself from efforts by a top supporter who helped put together a Sept. 4 meeting aimed at getting the communities of color to back one or two candidates for mayor. The Globe first reported the meeting on Thursday. Golar Richie campaign statement:
No one from the Charlotte Golar Richie Campaign attended the event, nor did Charlotte or the campaign have any affiliation with the event or the individuals involved.
Kevin Peterson attended the meeting as a member of the Boston Black Leadership group, in his capacity of New Democracy Coalition.
Mr. Peterson's attendance at the event should not be considered representative of the Charlotte Golar Richie campaign. He attended in his personal capacity and that is formal statement of our campaign. The campaign was not involved, nor was it represented at all at this meeting.
-- The Connolly campaign is reprising a lit piece from 2011 run for at-large and using it for his mayoral run.
-- City Councillor Consalvo’s official campaign song now comes with a video.
-- The Globe Lab plans to hold additional debates with the contenders. Details on next week’s debates are available here.
-- Progressive Massachusetts, run by Deborah Shah, an activist who worked for Gov. Patrick and Ross, is not endorsing in mayoral preliminary.