April 8, 2013

Dublin House/ Yaz's Place on Stoughton Street
A city licensing official on Monday warned the Dublin House, 7 Stoughton St., that it faces a possible suspension of its license because of a stabbing last month - which follows a shooting outside the bar last year.
The bar seems to be "attracting people who carry weapons, and that is a huge concern to me," Patricia Malone, director of the Mayor's Office of Consumer Affairs and Licensing, told owner Yiser Mohammad and his lawyer at a hearing this morning on a March 11 incident in which one patron stabbed another - despite efforts by bar security staff to pat down all incoming patrons and use a metal-detecting wand on them.
Malone gave the bar two weeks to come up with a specific plan for keeping violent people out.
She noted she deferred a license suspension last year after a shooting outside the bar.
At this morning's hearing, Mohammad said he had no idea how the man had gotten the knife inside - and said neither he nor any club workers realized anything was amiss until after the victim, his alleged attacker and a third man were outside. A Boston Police detective testified the victim was stabbed inside the bar.
Mohammad's lawyer said that with all the patting and wanding, he didn't know how much more the bar could do, in a city in which violence is now "an epidemic problem," but that perhaps Dublin House could increase the number of times it hires off-duty Boston police officers for security.
Malone told him to think again and come up with a plan.
"If your client can't operate without Boston police details, your client shouldn't be operating," she said. She added she is giving the bar two weeks because she would rather work with it to solve the problem than just suspend its license for a period of time.