Relying on increased parking fees, more advertising dollars and some expected legislative relief from an employee-financing law, MBTA officials have scrunched down their projected budget gap to $36.5 million.
That is about two thirds smaller than the... Read more
A new restaurant, called Bowery, will open in early May after renovations are completed at the site of the now-closed Lower Mills restaurant ester and focus on “New American comfort food,” three of the four new owners told the Lower Mills Civic... Read more
A public meeting is planned for this month to discuss the latest proposal for new housing on Geneva Avenue. The project — dubbed “Bedrock Geneva”— will convert what is now a single-family homeon an oversized lot into a five-story building with 27 units of... Read more
Romance — and chocolate cravings— are in the air, especially on Morrissey Boulevard.
Phillips Candy House, Boston’s oldest and most popular chocolatier, is stocked up with Valentine’s Day offerings featuring their best-selling signature turtles, long-... Read more
Community health centers are edging ever closer to a “funding cliff” that would severely limit their ability to provide critical local care services, and US Sen. Elizabeth Warren this week leveled a sharp critique at congressional Republicans who she says... Read more
The University of Massachusetts will offer a select group of developers the chance to buy the former grounds of the Bayside Expo Center in Dorchester this year in a deal that could net the university a windfall sum.
The university’s building authority... Read more
A proposal to allow local establishments to host acoustic performances without a permit or entertainment license is gaining traction in Boston City Hall in the wake of positive feedback from a yearlong pilot whose proponents are looking for a renewal that... Read more
Updated Dec. 21, 12:07 p.m. with completed sale price
Third time is apparently the charm.
The Boston Globe’s former headquarters on Morrissey Boulevard have been sold for $81 million to Burlington-based development company Nordblom Co., in partnership... Read more
Crisscrossing Dorchester and Mattapan, an attentive traveler can still pick out the movie houses that dotted the neighborhoods from the 1910s into the 1980s. One by one, they closed over the years, victims of the onset of television and dropping ticket... Read more
The Board of Appeal on Tuesday approved developers' plans to replace two auto-body shops at 233 Hancock St., near Pleasant Street, with a five-story, 36-unit apartment building that would also feature space for an art gallery.
Benjie and Dan Moll would... Read more