2009 elections
As Councillor Michael Flaherty and Mayor Thomas Menino engage in an aerobatic fundraising race, yet another voice has announced his attentions to grab for an at-Large council seat.
"I've been talking to folks around the city and it looks like we're going... Read more
Conversations on the prospects for next year's city council race rarely fail to come to the question of gender equity. Only one female - Dorchester's own district three councillor Maureen Feeney - currently holds elected office in City Hall, though women... Read more
The 2008 presidential race has consumed the attention of the nation and true-blue Boston for nearly a year now, even though Barack Obama has dominated the polls locally. But the Reporter's temperamental seismograph is already picking up tremors from the... Read more
Although some say it's a bit early to talk about Boston City Council election 2009 - particularly with several of this year's state races underway - many, including a handful of political junkies, city hall staffers and the Reporter, just can't help it.... Read more
Still mulling a bid for the mayor's office, Councillor at-Large Michael Flaherty has ratcheted up the rhetoric against incumbent Thomas Menino. Flaherty last week released a statement hitting the Menino administration on the city's fiscal policies,... Read more