
Mayor Thomas Menino unveiled last week a proposed $2.42 billion operating budget for Boston, a 5.1 percent increase that would be mitigated, in part, by increases in parking fines. A five-year capital budget of $1.5 billion was also highlighted, with... Read more
The Federal Bureau of Investigation estimates that between $4 and $6 billion in losses can be attributed to mortgage fraud nationwide in fiscal year 2007. It has 35 task forces working across the country on the problem and considers 16 states hotspots for... Read more
A recent call to the state Republican Party inquiring about Dorchester supporters of John McCain, the presumptive nominee, yielded only one name: that of a woman who bought a bumper sticker. But don't be fooled. Susan Kelly says she isn't the only one who... Read more
Saying that lawmakers on both the federal and state level have not done enough to stem the worsening tide of foreclosures, state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson filed last week a triad of bills that would put in place a 180-day moratorium on foreclosures resulting... Read more
When Gov. Deval Patrick sang a parody of the Foxwoods theme song at Sunday's St. Patrick's Day breakfast, he had some back-up: state Sen. Jack Hart and Reps. Marty Walsh and Brian Wallace. "Sal, just think, 'bout the wonder of it all," they sang to House... Read more
Transcript The following is the text as prepared for delivery of Senator Barack Obama's speech on race in Philadelphia, as provided by his presidential campaign.  "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union."  Two hundred and twenty one years... Read more
A bid to make discrimination against transgender people a crime in the state got a boost this week, as City Council President Maureen Feeney, Suffolk County's top cop and an aide to Mayor Thomas Menino voiced support for the measure. The bill (H 1722)... Read more
Gov. Deval Patrick, stung by House Speaker Salvatore DiMasi's harsh criticism a day earlier of his casino construction job estimates, swung back Tuesday with a letter to House members calling rejection of his proposal, without offering an alternative, "... Read more
With more than 18,000 employees, the City of Boston is one of the largest employers in the state. But on any given day, we have several part-time and full-time positions that need to be filled. The City of Boston strives to hire diverse individuals who... Read more
The main players in the wildest election of 2006, both running sticker campaigns and coming within 692 votes of each other, are back. Sonia Chang-Diaz announced last week she would again take on incumbent Senator Dianne Wilkerson for the second Suffolk... Read more


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