Team MR8The Martin W. Richard Charitable Foundation, an organization created to honor the memory of the eight year old Dorchester boy killed during the 2013 bombings near the finish of the Boston Marathon, is now accepting applications from charity... Read more
Gearing up for Mayor's Cup: The Dorchester Eagles practiced at Robert’s Playround on Monday evening. Photo by Jacob Aguiar
The Dorchester Eagles Pop Warner league will host the Mayor’s Cup Football Jamboree this weekend at the newly renovated Roberts... Read more
Almont's new gridiron: Interim Parks and Recreation Commissioner Chris Cook,right, and Ryan Woods, director of External Affairs for the department, are shown on the new football field at Almont Park. The Mattapan Patriots take the field on Friday. Photo... Read more
We’re about to arrive at the sweetest moment on the baseball calendar and nothing in all of sport quite matches it. We speak of Hall of Fame Day at Cooperstown on the banks of that shimmering pond that Fenimore Cooper glorified where at the high point of... Read more
As June ends, so does the first half of the season. In Baseball, time flies even when you’re not having so much fun. Hereabouts, one question emerges above all. Where have the “Beasts of the American League East” gone?
We’re accustomed to being among the... Read more
Outlaws and scholars: The Banshee Bar on Dorchester Avenue has become home base for the Boston chapter of the American Outlaws, a club that supports the US soccer team now making a run at the World Cup. Above, the scene in the Banshee on Monday before the... Read more
When the first half-inning of Savin Hill Challenger baseball ended on Sunday afternoon, the pitcher, Billy Farrell, lingered on the mound for a good, long minute. A long-time civic leader and volunteer coach from Meeting House Hill, Farrell had just... Read more
Have some bits and pieces from the sporting scene for you to chew on while we all gird for the garrison rush to a conclusion for the Stanley Cup playoffs. And if this glorious bash were to last until August, that would be fine with me.
Now that the... Read more
Members of the St. Ann Color Guard : Madeline Neff, Sydney Galvin, Kailynn Finnigan, Molly Hedderman, Trinity Willett, Kaylyn Mellace, Kassidy Taglieri, Maeghan Driscoll, Monica Lafferty, Amber Padgett, Kristen Padgett, Sarah Padgett, Samantha Hussey,... Read more
Registration for Cedar Grove Baseball continues this week with a March 3 deadline for discounted fees. The league, serving the youth of Dorchester for over six decades, has a new website that allows for registration online: The... Read more