Daniel Conley
Do you support Suffolk Downs’ proposal to be granted a license to build a resort gaming facility on its property located in East Boston? Would you contact the Greater Boston Labor Council prior to Wal-Mart seeking formal approval to locate in Boston? Do... Read more
Mayoral Candidates Address Education from Chris Lovett on Vimeo.
The candidates sat almost shoulder-to-shoulder on the stage inside Edward Brooke Charter School’s auditorium, five on either side of the moderator.
Even with no opening or closing statements... Read more
Candidates hoping to succeed Mayor Thomas Menino slowly returned to the campaign trail this week after most of them had suspended campaign activities following last week’s Boston Marathon bombings.
Suffolk District Attorney Dan Conley appeared at a First... Read more
Suffolk District Attorney Daniel Conley is in: His campaign put out a statement below on Wednesday afternoon.
Boston is a great city, and with the right leadership and vision, its best days are still ahead. So today I am officially declaring that I am a... Read more
The Suffolk County District Attorney's office is taking heat from residents for the abrupt firing of a Dorchester man who ran the Washington Street Corridor Weed and Seed Initiative. Adam Gibbons, coordinator of the Codman Square-based program for the... Read more