From the State House News Service:
Legislation redrawing state laws governing the filling of a US Senate vacancy will get an expedited hearing, with the Election Laws Committee scheduling a Sept. 9 public hearing. The hearing keys specifically on H 656,... Read more
Mayor Thomas Menino joins a largely Massachusetts-centric crew on CNN's "State of Union" show this Sunday, with talk of the late U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy's life and legacy on the agenda.
He won't be the only one on with Boston ties: Thomas P. O'Neill III... Read more
U.S. Senator Edward Moore Kennedy, (1932-2009) Photo (May 2008) by Susan Walsh, Associated Press
Long lines of persons gathered outside the JFK Library Thursday afternoon and long into the night, waiting in to pay final respects to a beloved Senator.... Read more
U.S. Senator Edward Moore Kennedy, (1932-2009) - Photo (May 2008) by Susan Walsh, Associated Press
Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s body will be brought by motorcade from the Cape to the JFK Library today and will lie in repose for public viewing later in... Read more