Don't let his age fool you; Emmanuel Bellegarde has done a lot of living in his 28 years.
He's worked in both chambers of the state legislature. He's a Haitian immigrant who started a number of groups to empower minorities in Boston politics. He's... Read more
Talk about the race for state treasurer hasn't quite squeezed its way onto most of our summer schedules just yet. Like most of the political playoffs, it probably won't until after Labor Day.
But, when it does, there's a candidate who hails from Beverly... Read more
Mayor's Supporters, Marty Walsh Square Off for Delegates
An unprecedented turnout at last night's Ward 13 Democratic Caucus on Jones Hill forced party officials to send more than 200 people home without voting. The overflow crowd resulted from a bitter... Read more
With a January special election fast-approaching to fill a vacant State Senate seat, Dorchester political activists remain unsure about whether or not the neighborhood can- or should- field a candidate in the race.
State Rep. John A. Hart of South Boston... Read more
Gandhi. JFK. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. And, of course, Father Dan Finn at St. Mark's on Dot Ave.
These are the men who've inspired Paul Brophy to run for city council this summer, challenging popular incumbent Maureen Feeney, who even Brophy says... Read more
He's an long-shot candidate for district three city council who is virtually unknown outside his Codman Square neighborhood. Nathan Cooper seems to relish his role as a city hall outsider, though, and isn't shy when it comes to taking his message to... Read more
Nine months on the Boston City Council have done little to change the anti-establishment persona that Chuck Turner groomed over the last 30 years as an activist in Boston's African-American communities.
The Roxbury resident first swooped across the city's... Read more
It was, in some respects, your typical "dog and pony" show Tuesday morning on the bus ramp inside the lovely Fields Corner Red Line station. Just about every politician in the 617 area code braved the chilly rain to seek a piece of the credit for bringing... Read more
Is it just our imagination, or is there a wiff of revolution in the air these days in the old neighborhood? From Codman Square to Columbia Road, Morrissey Boulevard to Washington Street, there's been a whole lot of "picket lines and picket signs" of late... Read more
The political heavies of the Commonwealth, including the governor, the mayor and the tough-on-crime district attorneys, have pounced on a pair of TV spots featuring retired Boston police officers promoting Question 2 last week - a ballot initiative that... Read more