Margaret BenefielThe lessons of the still-unraveling economic crash will likely take economists and social scientists years to deconstruct. Dorchester's Margaret Benefiel, however, thinks the root cause can be summed up rather simply: Short-sighted,... Read more
Calls for an elected school committee, and notes that Boston's three favorite pastimes are sports, politics and revenge.
In last week's story about City Council at-Large candidate Tomas Gonzalez, his former position with the Menino Administration was misreported. Gonzalez was Menino's Latino Liaison from 2002 to 2004, and chief of staff for the Elderly Commission... Read more
I have always said that partnership is one of the most effective tools that we as leaders can use to achieve progress on almost any front. In difficult circumstances, bringing people together to work toward a common goal becomes even more important. As... Read more
In his speech this week before Congress, President Obama described a pathway to emerging from our current economic woes. In his first weeks in office, the president has systematically engaged in the business of governing &endash; making proposals,... Read more
Mayor Tom Menino made some of the city's performance statistics public last week with a new website, but his election-year challengers are already giving the report card a failing grade.
"It reminds me of the old Soviet Union five-year plans," said... Read more
Those on the frontlines of the foreclosure crisis locally are saying many who struggle to make their mortgage payments in the neighborhood may not be helped by President Barack Obama's new Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan, announced last week.
"... Read more
While a portion of the expected federal funds infusion should be used to shore up education and health care accounts, Massachusetts, estimated to receive over $11 billion, should focus the spending on job-creating public works projects and heed lessons... Read more
City Councillor Sam Yoon's bid for mayor is already creating change. Tomas Gonzalez, former chief of staff for Mayor Thomas Menino, was helping create candidate Andrew Kenneally's campaign strategy to capture an at-Large seat on the City Council until... Read more
A Dorchester lawmaker is back atop a Beacon Hill committee for the first time in four years, as newly-crowned House Speaker Robert DeLeo announced the re-shuffling of committee assignments.
State Rep. Linda Dorcena Forry, a backer of DeLeo during his... Read more