The timing of it was apparently wreaking havoc with reporters' reporting. Universal Hub's Adam Gaffin has the lowdown.
It should be mentioned that Kevin's been having a good couple of days. One of his criticisms appeared to bear some fruit in today's... Read more
U.S. Congressman Michael Capuano was telling individuals at the Greater Boston Labor Council's Monday breakfast that he plans to pull nominations papers in the race to take U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy's vacant seat.
Capuano said he would pull papers on... Read more
It had to happen at some point: A vandal's been caught on tape allegedly defacing a campaign sign and the Herald's obtained a copy of the video. The video shows a squirrelly-looking girl attempting to throw paint at a Flaherty sign. She misses (twice!),... Read more
A hotel workers union has endorsed Robert Fortes for one of the four City Council At-Large seats, his campaign said Friday. "Local 26 strongly endorses Rob Fortes for City Council because he understands the challenges that our members face every day as... Read more
A brief round-up of links you might have missed. Feel free to send suggestions to gin.dumcius (at) gmail.com or mwdeehan (at) gmail.com.
1. Mayor Thomas Menino tells the Phoenix's David Bernstein that the 300 jobs figure used in the WBZ-TV debate is... Read more
The college kids over at the Boston University's Daily Free Press say South Ender Kevin McCrea made the best impression in last night's debate. (They love their bomb tossers over there. Fight the power, etc., etc.?)
Here's the paper's write-up.
The Boston... Read more
Beastie Boys' "Root Down" over Bob Marley's "War/No More Trouble."
Mayor Thomas Menino failed to get an endorsement from DotOUT, a Dorchester civic group representing gays and lesbians, despite receiving support from a majority of its members gathered at the Ledge restaurant for a Monday night forum.
Both Menino and City... Read more
Where were we? Right, the first televised debate of the 2009 mayoral forum, postponed last week because of U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy's passing.
This'll be where first impressions will be formed and drinking games will be created. (Feel free to drop yours... Read more
There are several elections going on right now: Mainly, the governor's race, the mayoral race, and the special Senate election.
So let's take a quick break from the mayoral race, hop on over to the race for governor, and play a version of the well-known... Read more