Mattapan Crossing and Canopy Walk: A graphic from a DCR presentation shown during a meeting on Aug. 30 depicts a proposed bridge at Mattapan station.
Residents from Dorchester, Mattapan, and Milton sounded notes of support Tuesday night for the state... Read more
John O’Toole, a local realtor and a top candidate in the District 3 City Council race, is enmeshed in a civil lawsuit with a former partner of his, according to court records. But he isn’t the only candidate who has been involved in legal actions in... Read more
Mark your calendars, District 3 race junkies: three forums are coming up.
Here’s a rundown:
-- Wednesday, Aug. 24. 7 pm. at Florian Hall on Hallet St. Sponsored by civic and business associations within District 3, including the Dorchester Board of Trade... Read more
Charles Clemons, co-founder of TOUCH 106.1 FM, is launching a mayoral bid. At his 50th birthday party, held Sunday night at Hibernian Hall in Roxbury, Clemons announced he was running for mayor in 2013.
“I just feel like as a parent, and a grandfather,... Read more
Pre-forum standout at First Parish ChurchMeet the candidates, again.
With 40 days left until the Sept. 27 preliminary, the seven candidates hoping to fill the District 3 seat on the City Council were back before a crowd of voters on Thursday night,... Read more
The possibility of US Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-South Boston) facing off against US Rep. Bill Keating (D-Quincy) was raised during an interview today of the two State House lawmakers in charge of redrawing the Bay State's political boundaries.
"On the Record... Read more
Four Boston-based House districts with predominant minority populations will need their boundaries redrawn to capture additional residents and meet new population requirements, the House’s redistricting chief said on Monday.
Rep. Michael Moran, chair of... Read more
Elizabeth Warren, mulling a run against U.S. Sen. Scott Brown (R-Wrentham), is touching base with Democratic activists, including Dorchester’s Joyce Linehan, a key player in local politics.
Linehan said Warren, returning to Massachusetts after a stint... Read more
Candidates Night at First Parish ChurchThe Ward 15 and 13 Democratic ward committees will sponsor a candidates night on Thursday, Aug. 18 for the candidates for Boston City Council in Districts 3 and 4. The event will begin with District 3 candidates at 6... Read more
With less than two months until the preliminary city election, Craig Galvin continued to lead the District 3 pack in fund-raising for July, raking in $16,435 for his campaign to replace retiring City Councillor Maureen Feeney. Seven candidates will appear... Read more