Public Safety

The Boston Police Department reports arresting a Dorchester man who was helping somebody who'd just been shot run away from the area of Columbia Road and Glendale Street Wednesday evening. Police say officers on patrol saw flashes from guns and heard... Read more
State Police report a Dorchester resident who sparked a search of the Charles River Thursday morning was found safe later in the morning at South Shore Hospital in Weymouth. State troopers in boats searched the Charles River for Tamika Danielle Jeune... Read more
College Bound Dorchester reports one of its employees is recovering after being shot at its 222 Bowdoin St. location around 3 p.m. on Thursday. In a statement, Mark Culliton, CEO of College Bound Dorchester, said: "We have since learned that his condition... Read more
State law enforcement officials have the "inherent" authority to arrest and hold immigrants scheduled for deportation, a Department of Justice attorney argued in court on Tuesday. The Supreme Judicial Court has called into question a tool federal... Read more
Neighbors remaining ‘vigilant’ on next move A controversial proposal to convert a three-decker at 96 Milton Ave. into a 24-unit lodging house was withdrawn before a scheduled Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on Tuesday. The project architect told community... Read more
A new community service officer will take over duties from retiring Sgt. John Burns, the C-11 district’s longest-serving sergeant, who is leaving the post after 22 years. Sgt. Brian Dunford, a Dorchester native, has “the perfect traits and qualities for... Read more
Feds threats called ‘fear-monering’ In response to the top national law enforcement official vowing to hold back funds from cities that flout federal immigration law, the Massachusetts attorney general accused U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions of fear-... Read more
Wanted for Columbia Road housebreak
The Boston Police Department reports it is looking for two men they say broke into a Columbia Road house with a pry bar yesterday morning and made off with a small safe. The two broke into the rear of 151 Columbia Rd., near Warren, around 9:05 a.m. "At... Read more
The Boston Police Department reports officers investigating two separate reports of gunfire arrested two men with loaded guns on Saturday - one of whom had his guns fall down his pants to the ground. A third man was arrested in another incident Saturday... Read more
Body-worn camera pilot: Program to be extended for six months under deal with BPPA. Mayor Martin Walsh and Boston’s largest police union have agreed to extend the city’s ongoing body camera pilot program for another six months. The mayor and Police... Read more


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